Chronic Pancreatitis treatment in Ayurveda
Chronic Pancreatitis is treated at HimVeda with herbal medicine and a strict dietary regimen. Panchakarma procedures are not done as most of the times the condition of the patient does not allow this. Hence the patients will not be admitted. Money and time can thus be saved as the diet can be followed at home.
Interstitial lung disease in Ayurveda
We have treated a wide variety of cases of Interstitial lung disease (ILD) . Results vary depending upon age and extent of lung damage. Minimum 3 months of treatment are required to show clinical improvement .
Chronic kidney disease in Ayurveda
Basic blood tests like serum creatinine, urea etc. are advised just before starting the medicine and are repeated 2 weeks after, with the same lab.
Understanding Ama
It carries a huge significance in modern day as a lot enters our body which it cannot process. Once this unprocessed element enters the blood or lymph it is carried into the deeper tissues. Here it finds a new home.
Refined Sugars- Ayurvedic perspective
If a list of bad foods was drawn, refined sugar would rank second on this list, the first one being refined oils Some of the qualities of sweet taste mentioned in Ayurveda are: Prahaladana: brings happiness to the mind Brimhana :nourishing Tarpana: nourishes the senses Varnakar: Improves skin colour and complexion Ayushya: increases life expectancy […]
Refined oils – Ayurvedic perspective
It is held in Ayurveda that our body is rich in fats – ‘snehasaroyam purusa‘ . No biochemical reaction or any cell function would ever occur in the body in the absence of fats. No food represents such a full spectrum of molecules – from healthy to distorted and extremely toxic as fat. Good fats […]
Sarcoidosis treatment in Ayurveda – a case study
Sarcoidosis now curable with Ayurveda We treat Sarcoidosis with Panchakarma therapies followed by Rasayana therapy. Out of Panchakarma therapies ‘Basti‘ was the treatment of choice. Although treatment pattern varies depending upon stage of disease and body constitution. In many cases we treat with medicine only and therapies are not needed. We are presenting here, in short […]
Ayurvedic massage
Ayurvedic massage Ayurvedic massage is becoming more and more popular by the day. In fact we have observed that sometimes people identify Ayurveda with ‘massage’ which is a very sad state of affairs as far as Ayurveda is concerned. By this we don’t mean that massage is not important, neither do we underestimate the […]
Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma -The role of bitter tasting foods
Ayurvedic treatment for asthma Ayurvedic treatment for asthma like for any other disease consists of drugs that derive their potency from their taste.In Ayurveda every drug has a taste which gives it the potential. According to scientists at the University of Massachusetts medical school ,substances which give some foods their bitter flavors can also […]
Ayurvedic Diet – Tastes
Ayurvedic Diet – Tastes Introduction The most important aspect of Ayurvedic diet next to ‘agni’ (fire) is ‘rasa’. The first interaction of a food or herb with the body begins with the tongue and the sense of taste, called ‘ rasa’ in Sanskrit. ‘Rasa’ is the key to understand Ayurvedic nutrition as well as pharmacology […]